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!Friendica Support An other question about speed. I have this #Friendica installed on a Uberspace server - and it is very slow. When I click on the menu entry (lets say "Group" "Friendica Support") it takes about 10 or more seconds until I see the page in the browser (Firefox). How to speed up this?

Friendica Support hat dies geteilt.

Als Antwort auf Tin

@Tin This particular page has been historically slow. So far the only way to speed it up has been to spend more on hosting performances.
Als Antwort auf Tin

@Tin Of course, but Uberspace isn’t the only available hoster, not even in Germany. I read that Hetzner is currently hosting half of the Fediverse in number of user accounts.
Als Antwort auf Tin

@Tin If we want to be pedantic, it isn't as decentralized as it is federated, but still, it's better than centralized systems for user's agency.
Als Antwort auf Hypolite Petovan

Read this too. These are instances hostet on root servers.

I tried to run my instance on a "Level 4"-shared hosting at Hetzner. Technically it worked fine, but without any performance. The support wrote at the time, that the available server performance is justly spread between all shared-hosting-domains. It is not possible to book special features.

So Uberspace - the provider of my instance - seems ok for me. It's a good compromise between cost and performance.

Friendica Support hat dies geteilt.

Als Antwort auf xy..

I also tried shared-hosting with this provider and can not recommend that: Installation didn't work at all via ("git clone" and) "composer" - since then I install and update via the archives. And s far as i remember, there were other issues with unsupported functions while running the instance. Don't remember details.
Same with two other providers, as long as you i tried shared-hosting.

@xy.. php-friends sounds interesting. What offer did you book there?


Friendica Support hat dies geteilt.

Als Antwort auf Bionk

@Bionk @Tin the smallest VServer .. (S) .. my other 2 websites are on uberspace. But I wanted more hdd for the friendica ..